Improve Pr_Suite for Nuke
I used to use Pr_Suite_v1.1, created by Parimal VFX. Over time I’ve made the improvements below.
located in Pr_Suite/python/Prpy does exactly what its name implies. It opens folder of selected read/write node, or nuke script location directly from Nuke. The biggest flaw I found is it doesn't work with relative file path.
Works with nodes with relative file path.
Launches with default file manager instead of hard coded to gnome.
Works with gizmos/groups that contains file knob within it.
Open all paths from multiple selected nodes.
located in Pr_Suite/Python/Prpy
With "Shift + R" as its shortcut key, it creates a Read node based on the selected Write node. It doesn't work with a write gizmo from a pipeline, which can be expected. The following improvements are
Works with gizmos/groups that contains write node in it.
Put the read node right beside the gizmo/group itself.
Can select multiple write nodes and create read nodes beside each of them.
located in Pr_Suite > python > Prpy
This script gives you a pop up Window for you to select the passes you want, and shuffle all of them out neatly. Small complain I have for this is it adds the channel name to the shuffle node's label. Which is nice but I don't want them hardcoded, in case I want to change the channel to something else. Note that there's already another python script in Pr_Suite 1.1 to add '[value in]' in a shuffle's label, so it reflects whatever the in channel is. But why not add it in the ShuffleEXRPasses